As Joseph Pilates said; “Pilates is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit”, and that’s exactly what I experienced after suddenly losing my dad.
My journey with Pilates started only a few months before this horrible life event and I immediately fell in love with the practice. I was about 24 when I started Pilates, and at that stage in my life, I still had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. But after being introduced to Pilates I knew that this is something I wanted to further my knowledge in. I signed up for the BASI Mat course and it was about 2 weeks before the course started that I received the news of my dad’s passing. I was completely broken, devastated and felt lost. My dad was literally my best friend, not a day would pass where we wouldn’t talk.
So, I moved to the next group course and when Ashley Ritchie asked us on the first day of the course why Pilates my answer was; “I’m here for the mental strength it gives me, it’s my coping mechanism.” It was something I couldn’t put into words, but she understood.
You see, Pilates is not only a form of exercise, but it’s also a method that will help you do everything better. From walking taller to improving lung capacity or even to help you deal with the death of a loved one.
It’s an all in one workout and we concentrate on 10 Principles:
1. Awareness
2. Balance
3. Breath
4. Center
5. Control
6. Concentration
7. Efficiency
8. Flow
9. Harmony
10. Precision
When I look at these 10 Principles it becomes more and more clear why Pilates chose ME. I believe everything in your life happens for a reason, even though 80% of the time it doesn’t make sense. I’m sure the Pilates I’ve been doing the few months before my dad’s death prepared me for it.
1. Awareness – It made me aware of how easy life can be taken away from you, so enjoy every moment.
2. Balance – Learn how to balance things in your life, work, personal, love and socially
3. Breath – When things get too much, breath!
4. Center – Check-in now and then with yourself, find your centre again.
5. Control – You can’t control everything.
6. Concentration – It’s amazing how you can distract your mind by moving and concentrating on every step.
7. Efficiency – I’m a planner and love making lists!
8. Flow – My dad was a go with the flow type of person and I’m still working on that.
9. Harmony – Pilates brought a lot of this into my life.
10. Precision – I’m all for this as my OCD habits tend to come in handy with Pilates.

You see, it prepared me, and opened up a new exciting future for me. It made me take chances and risks, something I would have never done before. It challenges me daily and it’s a non-stop learning experience.
Whenever I feel like things are getting too much I grab my mat and move and connect! Even if just for 10minutes!
And with that, I end my post with another quote from Mr Pilates which I think fits my message perfectly; “Breathing is the first act of life and the last. Our very life depends on it.”